Roger McCracken is Managing Director of Foods Connected and co-founded the business in 2012 alongside Paul Armstrong and Gary Tyre. As the central pillar of the team and the driving force behind one of the food industry's leading software platforms, we sat down with him to find out more about what is in store for the future of Foods Connected...
When did you first get the idea for Foods Connected – how did it come about?
I grew up on the family farm in Magilligan NI, so I have been working within the food industry all my life and have always therefore been very much in touch with the day to day pain points faced by our industry. In 2008, I started working with Foyle Food Group as a commercial manager and it became even more evident that technology was ever evolving and advancing and some industries had adopted these greatly for their gain, yet the food industry was lagging behind, still conducting manual tasks and running risks which resulted not only in severe inefficiencies but also risking massive cost to business reputations. Hence the idea for Foods Connected was born!
How would you describe the Foods Connected team?
Lively, passionate and extremely dedicated to customer needs and getting the job done! We have a really fantastic team here.
What is something not many people would guess (or know) about you?
Good question! Rugby has always played a massive role in my life. I believe sport is really important for not only staying fit but also learning how to work as a team and build relationships. In my days at Uni I was an avid Rugby player and was the club chairman of the team at one point.
What advice would you give those looking to kick start a career in the food industry?
Go for it! It’s a highly rewarding industry to work within.
It’s not one for the faint hearted due to the fast paced nature, but the knowledge that you are a link in the chain of feeding the nation, and the world, is something you go home at the end of the day feeling very much part of and proud of. Find a good company to do some placement experience in (we’re not shy of those in Northern Ireland!) At Foods Connected, we always encourage graduates to reach out to us for placement opportunities.
What has been your proudest moment in the Foods Connected journey so far?
Probably watching the company grow to the level we are at now. We’re now key players within the supply chain software space tailored to the food industry. When I look back on how far we have come and all the faces that have joined us along the way to help get us to where we are I am extremely proud of what we have achieved. And we’re only just getting started!
Predictions for Foods Connected in 2022?
I predict, (or should I say I know) that in 2022 we are going to grow even bigger and faster than in any other year before now. I can see really amazing things happening for our business in 2022, and our hardworking employees. The software is going to become even better and more user friendly than ever before too thanks to our new and innovative UX team!