This week we met up with Amber Iqbal –Senior Business Intelligence Analyst at Foods Connected to learn what attracted her to a career in data and her advice to future Foods Connected recruits!
- What attracted you to your chosen career path?
With my background in web development & design, plus a keen interest in Mathematics, I was looking to get into something that was challenging, involving both design and logic. Then, at the right time in my career, I stumbled upon this master’s course in ‘Big Data Analytics’ which was at the time a completely new field for me. However, the more I learned about it the more I felt that this was exactly what I would like to pursue a career in, and the rest is history. I am very happy and content with my job and career choice!
- What has been the proudest moment of your time with Foods Connected so far?
There have been many, since I have learned a lot from my job and training at Foods Connected. Every new problem that I’ve solved has given me a great sense of achievement and improved my skill level. But, my most accomplished moment would be transitioning to a new and more advanced data visualisation software from our previous system. A huge part of it involved learning a new formula and query language which I found quite challenging. However, with our mutual team effort we were able to achieve it in a short span of time which I am very proud of.
When I look back at it, I can clearly see how crucial that transition was in bringing our customer data dashboards to the level that they are at now which is quite rewarding.
- Tell us something not many people would guess about you.
Not many people know that in my spare time I create animations. I really enjoy drawing and animating new characters and scenes. It’s a lot of fun and a good way to wind down after a busy day at work.
- What advice would you give those looking to kick start a career at Foods Connected?
I’d suggest research the job and industry you're interested in and find out the basics of a career and what you really want to do. Foods Connected is not just restricted to foods related industries, the company is expanding into other markets. So, if you know what you’re looking for, there are a ton of opportunities at Foods Connected as well as the flexibility to transition to a different team within the company depending on what you would like to expand your career in.
- What are you most looking forward to in the next year?
Our team is expanding and so is our customer base. I’m really looking forward to working with new customers from various different industries and seeing how they can benefit from our advanced data analytics services. I’m also excited to meet new team members and return to the office on a regular basis since I’ve always enjoyed the positive energy and work environment at Foods Connected.